DESKTOP PUBLISHING Blitz 1.1 File organization Catalog all files stored on CD, ZIP, Jazz and SyQuest cartridges. When you are searching for a specific file, you don’t need to load every disk. Just search the catalog to locate the files. Blitz catalogs a CD using only 60K of disk space. • Very fast • Create catalogs that display all the file names on your CDs and storage disks • Easy drag ’n drop catalog creation (Application by Matthew Bickham) HTML Vocabulary 1.7.1 Build a Web page This great reference is perfect for everyone who writes Web pages in HTML. It contains the usual tags for special characters, text styling, lists, forms and other useful tags. This version has updated tags, explains additional tags and can open URLs directly from documents. • Examples show tags in context • Clear, concise definitions • Ten chapters, including Maps, Links, Forms and Tables (Document by Nisseb Software) - Feature Program - ImageMapper 1.4.1 Linked images Produce accurate image maps for your Web page. HTML formats include Client Side, CERN, NCSA and more. Display and convert between graphic files in a variety of formats, like JPEG, GIF, PICT, BMP, PPM and TARGA. Provides a set of tool bars, similar to Adobe Photoshop’s Selection and Path tools. Create links simply by defining the section on the image and naming the link. • Includes samples • Separate small zoom window (Application by Stuart Snaddon; Requires QuickTime) Pattern Manager 1.0 Background organizer Organize your pattern tiles with this handy program. Display patterns with their names in a customizable grid, install patterns into the system folder and set the utility’s pattern. This is useful for importing patterns from Pattern Manager into other desktop publishing programs. • Supports drag ’n drop between files, Scrapbook, Finder and more • Preview all patterns simultaneously • Includes 38 great patterns (Application by Sterling Augustine) RGB File Finder 1.3.9 Color management Avoid color mistakes with this incredible program. It searches folders for image files in RGB mode. It’s handy when you need all your files to be in CMYK mode for process color printing. • Checks EPS and TIFF files • Check Adobe PhotoShop Files Only option • Gives complete paths to files (Application by Paul Reznick) FONTS Beaumarchais Embellished serifs This is a bold, stroked display font with curled serifs and embellished letters. Adds style to any design. Great at large sizes, but works well at any size. (Font by Scriptorium Font Library; TrueType and Type 1) Ghouliez Eerie Scare up great designs with this interesting font. Perfect for advertisements and poster headlines. (Font by Matthew Desmond; TrueType and Type 1) Witzworx Handwritten This comical font is perfect for lettering comic books and comic strips. Provided in all-caps only, with some letter variations between the cases. (Font by Ron Evry; TrueType and Type 1) Images Bright Ideas® Images a Software of the Month Club® exclusive! This month’s collection contains ten color and black-and-white images, including a flower, a bat and a plane. For information about how to receive even more original Bright Ideas® images, along with fantastic fonts, original backgrounds, 3D models and useful desktop publishing tips and tricks, call Customer Service at 1-888-636-SOMC (7662). (Images by Bright Ideas®; TIFF) Site Backgrounds Galore Web images Spice up your Web site with these backgrounds. Choose from 100 backgrounds in GIF format. These small, colorful images include clouds, cells, dirt, chocolate, party mix and shirt fuzz. (Images by Shay Fulton; GIF)